No, that’s not a dead fox you smell?

So, what a beautiful day in the neighbourhood, so I go outside and take down the Christmas lights.  Ah, yes I remember Christmas so vividly when the smell of pine tree candle bellowed through our humble home.

Christmas a few years ago ushered in the Christmas mouse followed by Nightmare for Christmas mouse.  For those affectionate to mice, the final results were human 1, mouse 0.  Fast forward to Christmas 2011 and the wife and I suspect a fox is living under our deck.  We are not CSI trained but our proof was as strong as the smell of its bodily fluids.  However, we had no visual evidence and if the fox poop don’t fit, you must acquit.  Then one day while we were in the kitchen, we see J.R. the fox (just made that name up) calmly trotting up our driveway.  My wife screams out, “there is the fox, the fox Fenrick.”  I leap into action and run outside but he disappeared through some missing boards in the deck.  The thing that was funny to me was that J.R. came down the driveway so relaxed.  He looked like a fox who just came from getting a Swedish massage.  The trot had a slight bounce to it as he was coming “home”, my home!  This was a fox that was living at a house and not paying a mortgage.  If I was in the same furry shoes, I would be as relaxed also.

We quickly (a day later) closed up the gap under the deck after we figured out that the fox was out ‘shopping.’  I measured wood, I cut wood, I nailed wood and it was good.  Feeling confident about our activity, we toasted our mint flavoured green tea and rejoiced our victory.  However, as I sit here, there is a ‘peculiar’ smell in the room where my deck lives.  Stay tuned.

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