What if there was no Fenrick James?

I am currently in the process of applying to be a Naturalized citizen of the United States of America.  My lawyer on Friday asked me while filling out the paperwork, “Would you like to change your name?”  This is an option for foreign nationals who want to become Americans. 

In that moment, I thought, what would I call myself if not Fenrick?  For 30 plus years I have only known Fenrick and the joy of people saying my name incorrectly.  I had a moment while my lawyer continued processing my application, “What if there was no Fenrick James?”  Obviously, you want to hope that the world would literally stop on its axis if you were not born.  That in 2012, someone would feel a strong sense of loss for a person they have never met but knew belonged on planet earth. 

Another question would be, if not Fenrick, what name would I choose?  Maybe a Byron or a Samuel or a strong name such as Arthur.  However, knowing the symbolism of my name and the circumstances from whence it came, it could only be Fenrick David.  The beauty of my questioning is that it does not require an answer because I exist.  I am a 6’3 male with a genuine heart and personable demeanor.  I like fresh baked bread, raw coconut and learning peoples stories.  I rarely get upset because I constantly have the scripture James 1:19 “Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger” on an infinite loop in my head.  I live, I move, I have being.  Yet, what if there was no Fenrick James.

 My heavenly father saw fit at the beginning of time to speak my name and the purpose of my existence.  He made my Andros feet and broad shoulders and a mind that is always wondering how I can please Him more.  He gave me a Godly wife who doesn’t sweat me on the small stuff.  I live for His glory and His glory alone.  How amazing to know that Fenrick James was purpose built for 2012 and beyond.  When you put it that way, Fenrick James has a beautiful ring to it.

Post Script:  My lawyer informed me that most of his clients decide not to change their name no matter how complicated or misunderstood it is.  I approve this message.

1 thought on “What if there was no Fenrick James?

  1. Great first post!
    I, too, believe you are unique and created for God’s purpose.
    We enjoy you and Katie so much and are glad you are a part of our Young Married group.

    p.s. after a long blogging drought, I have decided to get back in the swing of things in 2012. You’ll find my latest entries through this link or on my Facebook Page.
    Welcome to blogging – look forward to reading more from you!

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